Getting Started

How to Get Up & Running Quickly

Murray Gray in Getting Started

Jan 20, 2023 - 2 min read. Available on all plans.

Worried about having everything "perfect" before you get started?

I totally get it -- but it's a bad move.

Here's why -- waiting until everything is "in the can" assumes you know exactly what your customers want before you give it to them.

But what if it's not what they want at all?

Many of the most successful courses I've ever created were co-created WITH my customers.

After each lesson, I polled them to ask what they wanted me cover next, along with a few suggested ideas.

At least a few times in every course, I would get suggestions that took my course in a completely unexpected and valuable direction -- a direction that my students really wanted.

None of that would've been possible with a pre-created course.

And whenever I'd done one, refunds have been much higher, simply because I missed the mark with what my market really wanted.

Make sense?

So, from here, here are 3 steps to get started as quickly as possible:

  1. Choose what your first training is going to be, and add the name and description here (but not the content)
  2. Start marketing your course, make some sales, and validate that people actually WANT your course
  3. Once you have a few students, record your first training in real time over a Zoom, record it, and use that recording as your training content

Once the training's over, send them a survey to ask what they thought, and what you should cover in the next.




And most importantly -- it gets you past the need to get all your ducks in a row.

Over to you!