
How to Whitelist an Email Address

Murray Gray in Students

Dec 07, 2020 - 1 min read. Available on all plans.

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What does it mean to add an email to your "allow list"?

Adding to "allow list" (or whitelisting) is when you identify an email address as “safe” so that your email server won’t send it to spam or junk mail.

It’s a great idea to have your students whitelist both your email address and [email protected] in order to make sure they don’t miss a single message!

(When students don’t receive an email message, the most common reason is that it wound up in their spam folder).

We recommend including this step as one of your pre-actions, to encourage the student to take action on it right away.

Not sure what to tell your students?

Here's a handy page that will automatically generate the precise instructions for your business.

Otherwise you can google "whitelist" or "allow list" phrases for relevant docs to walk them through the process.