Course Content

Customize Logo Size with CSS

Murray Gray in Course Content

Jan 17, 2023 - 1 min read. Available on Growth plan or higher.

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Using our custom CSS functionality you can change the style of all hyperlinks inside your course.

To get started:

  • Open any course and open the Course Settings section
  • Open the CSS sub-section
  • Set the Enable Custom CSS For This Course toggle to ON (green)
  • You should then see the CSS field appear. Add your CSS code to that box alongside any other code you may have already added to it.

Customizing the logo size on the top banner:

If you have a horizontally long logo, then adjust the width like you see in the code below:

nav .relative.w-9, nav .relative.w-9 > .max-w-md.p-0, nav .relative.w-9 > .max-w-md.p-0 > .aspect-w-9.aspect-h-8 { width: 180px; height: 40px; padding: 0; }

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